Play Play Laaaaah
“Play Play Laaaaah,” featuring the work of Studio Bang-gu founded by Singaporean designer, Lucien Ng, and Korean designer, Daisy DalHae Lee. It is a zine about reimagining Singapore’s most iconic playground for the next generation. Its pages are filled with a reimagined form of play that invokes people’s memories of their youth—a simpler time when decisions were made based on a game of hand gestures. The form encapsulates Singapore’s heritage and way of playing, inspiring future generations to be curious and imaginative while playing.
Format | Softcover, 32 pages, English Book |
Publication Date | 2021 |
Publisher | Studio Bang-gu |
Publication City | New York City, Brooklyn |
ISBN | N/A |
Edition Size | 2nd Edition |
Dimension | 152 x 203mm |
Designer | Studio Bang-gu |
Printer | Allegro Print |