之后* 打印
Human Element #2: Designers in a commercial print house?
#humanelement – An exclusive interview/sharing series where you’ll meet the incredible individuals behind our creative print house. Learn about the inner workings of Allegro’s creative team with a detailed look...
Blast from the Past (Part 1)
Prior to the occurrence of After* Print, we were unaware that we had already been engaging in after print. What do we mean by that? Everything and anything beyond printing that...
Friends of Oolors
Have you spotted (OFFCUT) and (ALL-BOOK-S) in our menu bar? They're our close friends! In fact, we share the same parent company - Allegro Print Pte Ltd, so we're like...
* 打印之后是什么?
您可能会发现这令人困惑。您在 Oolors 网站上,突然出现了“After* Print”部分。此外,您可能想知道 Oolors 的朋友:OFFCUT 和 ALL-BOOK-S,它们是由同一个人 Allegro Print 创建的。所以... 解释来了↓