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Human Element #4: Losing My Job...?
Human Element
Our Mindset

Human Element #4: Losing My Job...?

I can hardly believe that my internship at Allegro is coming to an end. Before I started, I was familiar with Allegro through OFFCUT and various design studio projects. However,...
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Human Element #3: Diplomats of Allegro
Human Element
Our Mindset

Human Element #3: Diplomats of Allegro

#humanelement – An exclusive interview/sharing series where you’ll meet the incredible individuals behind our creative print house. Effective collaboration is essential for transforming ideas into tangible products in print production....
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Human Element #2: Designers in a commercial print house?
Human Element
Our Mindset

Human Element #2: Designers in a commercial print house?

#humanelement – An exclusive interview/sharing series where you’ll meet the incredible individuals behind our creative print house. Learn about the inner workings of Allegro’s creative team with a detailed look...
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What's After* Print?
Our Mindset

* 印刷後はどうなりますか?

これには混乱を感じるかもしれません。 Oolors の Web サイトにアクセスすると、突然「After* Print」セクションが表示されます。さらに、Oolors の友人である OffCUT と ALL-BOOK-S の存在も気になるかもしれません。これらは、同じ Allegro Print によって作成されています。それで... 解説はこちら↓
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